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Crowdsensing based real-time air quality monitoring

Project aims:


  • Real-time monitoring of air quality (PM10 and PM2.5 particulates) and other physical parameters such as Temperature, Humidity and Pressure.
  • Increased temporal and spatial coverage of measurements.
  • Increased geographical resolution of air quality maps.
  • Dissemination and involvement of the general public on environmental issues.
  • Data transparency: All data are made public in real time through the project portal.
  • Development of new technologies for data acquisition and management within a crowdsensing/citizen science paradigm.

Case study Area

Trieste The designated area for this study is the urban and hinterland area of the city of Trieste (northeastern Italy). The city faces the Adriatic Sea and is surrounded by the Karst plateau. This is the northwesternmost part of the External Dinarides and forms an NW–SE oriented anticlinorium with a maximum height of about 350 m above the sea. Urban development in the area followed the economic trends of the city. In the past, Trieste was the most important port of he Austro-Hungarian Empire. Recently, due to tourism and a revitalization of the port, the city experienced a new phase of expansion. In the city center the traffic is limited with few main traffic routes that can be often congested. The wind regime is characterized especially in winter by a strong NE wind called Bora, which can effectively move polluted masses from the city to the seas. Household heating in the city center and the suburbs is based on natural gas, but there are areas where wood stoves and solid and liquid fuels are prevalent.

International Collaboration

Data acquired within the COCAL project are made public in a FAIR perspective (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and shared with the major data sharing platforms such as SeaDataNet, EMODnet.

Relevant Scientific Papers

Diviacco P.; Iurcev M.; Carbajales R.J.; Viola A.; Potleca N.
Design and Implementation of a Crowdsensing Based Air Quality Monitoring Open and FAIR Data Infrastructure, 2023, Processes, 11, 7, 10.3390/pr11071881

Diviacco P.; Iurcev M.; Carbajales R.J.; Potleca N.; Viola A.; Burca M.; Busato A.
Monitoring Air Quality in Urban Areas Using a Vehicle Sensor Network (VSN) Crowdsensing Paradigm, 2022, Remote Sensing, 14, 21, 10.3390/rs14215576

Diviacco P.; Iurcev M.; Carbajales R.J.; Potleca N.
First Results of the Application of a Citizen Science Based Mobile Monitoring System to the Study of Household Heating Emissions, 2022, Atmosphere, 13, 10, 10.3390/atmos13101689

Iurcev M.; Pettenati F.; Diviacco P.
Improved automated methods for near real-time mapping application in the environmental domain, 2021, Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography, 62, 3, 10.4430/bgta0360